By: Gilbert Varela
As Emperor Julius Cesar would comment when he attained victory over his enemy, the Wild Mountain Runners can borrow his phrase, Veni, Vidi, Vinci I came, I saw, I conquered! That is what scores of Wild Mountain Runners did, some running with the Gato colors for the first time at the Long Beach Marathon and half marathon October 15, 2006.
In the half, Maurilio Amezcua led the 55-59 by placing first in his age division with a time of 1:26:22. Maurilios running talent mixed with hard training certainly paid off. Second in that same division was Elias Garcia with a time of 1:28:44. Not to be left by the South Gate Gatos, Roberto *Kadafi* Perez and Felipe *Felipao* Reynoso, each came in 4th and 5th respectively, with a time of 1:38:15 and 1:39:35. Gregorio Rodriguez, a new Gato, came in 3rd in the 45-49 division with a time of 1:25:35.
In the marathon, South Gate Gato Salvador Ponce took 4th place in the 40-44 division with a fantastic time of 3:10:46.
Long time member and now coaching some of the South Gate runners, Paco Licea provided me with a list of other Gatos who ran. However, with some of them, I did not get the time or place: Carlos Gadamez, 40-44, 1st place. Rigoberto Contreras, 40-44 came in 11th in his age division. Marco Tiscareno (no age given) came in with a time of 1:25. Jose Luis Loera, in the 40-44 age division did a 1:39. To all Gatos , congratulations.

Salvador Ponce
South Gate WMR
3:10:46 pace: 7:17
M 40-44: 4 th place out of 220

Gregorio Rodriguez
1:25:35 pace: 6:32
M 45-49: 3 rd place out of 280

Elias Garcia
Huntington Park WMR
1:28:44 pace: 6:47
M 55-59: 2 place out of 144
Rigoberto Contreras
Huntington Park WMR
1:25:55 pace: 6:34

Jose Luis Loera
Long Beach WMR
1:39:52 pace: 7:38
Maurilio Amezcua
Southgate WMR
1:26:22 pace: 6:36
M 55-59: 1 place out of 144
Roberto Perez
Griffith Parque WMR
1:38:15 pace: 7:30
M 55-59: 4 place out of 144
Felipe "Big Dogg" Reynoso
Griffith Parque WMR
1:39:35 pace: 7:36
M 55-59: 5 th place out of 144
Congratulations both to...
Rosa Arevalo and her "conejo" Chris
(Is that Angel behind Rosa?)

Mario Oscal and his "conejo" Douglas
3:32:26 pace: 8:07 (Personal Record)
M 50-54: 13 th place out of 143
... for their not so small accomplishments. Both qualified for Boston 2007 !
Way to go guys!