WMR Newsletter April 2005
Gilbert Varela, Editor Freddy Perez, Founder
Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2005
Griffith Park and San Fernando Gatos Begin a New Epoch
By: Gilbert Varela
On Sunday, April 3, 2005, Freddie Perez came south with a number of San Fernando Gatos to join the Griffith Park Gatos for the perennial Sunday run. Freddie was joined by some Gato veterans like Abel and Ramon Apache Cuevas. The GP Gatos got to meet Ted McDonald, a relative new member who has contributed his skill to develop a great new web site. The site will provide a valuable venue for communication to all Gatos, both present and past. The GP Gatos will be able to place the newsletter in the website and will contribute stories, photos and information.
The website address is http://wildmountainrunner.com

Gatos who ran the San Francisco half in 2004 came back with fabulous stories of great food, wine, beer, partying and, oh yes running! Chris Quezada made arrangements for the Gatos to stay at a 5 star hotel. According to Ricky Menjivar, the Gatos were treated like royalty. Plans are being made to take as many Gatos as possible to run the streets of that historic city. Although San Francisco is considered a "city of hills", if you look at their map elevation, it is not that bad. But we are the WILD MOUNTAIN RUNNERS and hills are our specialty. There are some Gatos like Gilbert Varela who want to run the full marathon. This remains to be seen!! Visit San Pancho's website at www.RunSFM.com
Building Tradition
Gatos love tradition. First there is the traditional Jimmy Stewart Relay Marathon, the Hollywood Sign run, the Mario Molina Sunday-menudo (or whatever he feeds us) run. Then there is the Christmas Day run. On Christmas Day 2004 30 plus Gatos got together at the parking lot to begin this annual event. This is one of the more colorful traditions were all the runners put on their Santa Claus hat and take on the grueling Holly ridge run. This time we were joined by new runners who thought the whole event to be a blast. Although some of us were certainly out of shape, we managed to complete the run and enjoy a festive time with a few cold ones.

Gato Profile: Araceli Aguilar de Menjivar sees patience as the key to running.
By: Gilbert Varela

Throughout the history of the Wild Mountain Runners, few women have joined the club. Yet those few ladies have contributed a great deal. One of these ladies is Araceli Aguilar de Manjivar.
Araceli is no ordinary runner. She has placed 15th overall in the women division in one of her best Los Angeles Marathons with a time of 3:07. She completed the 2001 Las Vegas Marathon with a time of 1:26. For those who have had a chance to compete or train with her, you know what a tough runner she is. You would think that she has been running all her life but this is not the case.
Araceli was born in Puebla, Mexico, the place where a small army of Mexicans defeated a large and well organized French army in 1861. One wonders whether her strength comes from an ancestor who fought in that battle. But Araceli is more down to earth attributing her running abilities to simple patience. She learned patience at a very early age. She tells the story of her grandfather whose philosophy of life was based on patience. "Once he came home after having been robbed of all his money. Yet he was calm and unmoved. He said that he was not in need and that the person who robbed him needed the money! "
Araceli started running by coincidence. At age 19 I moved in with my mother. I would do my work and leave. I felt angry at the whole world. A few of my friends ran and they invited me to run.î Araceli began with short runs around the block She increased her running were she was running up to 15 kilometers at a time. I loved running. I felt like Forrest Gump. Running cleared my mind.
Araceli enrolled at a teaching college and after completing her studies, she taught a short time in Mexico and then came to the United States in 1989 to study English. She enrolled at Los Angeles City College. Once as she was running around the track she was approached by the cross-country coach who, with the help of an interpreter, convinced her to join the cross-country and track team. She became their most valuable female runner. With a time of 19:05 in the 5k, she rarely lost a race.
Araceli joined the Gatos six years ago and has since become one of the clubÃs most dedicated runners. "I love the friendship, the long runs and the social activities that go with the club" said Araceli. She particularly refers to the Lake Isabella as her favorite run.
A few years ago, Araceli married Gato Ricky Menjivar and hopes to have a family. She also wants to continue teaching autistic children. "It takes a lot of work and patience working with autistic children but I get a great deal of joy watching their improvement" said Araceli.
Araceli wants to repeat her 3:07 marathon time. She realizes that reaching that goal will be difficult, but with patience and hard work, no one can underestimate this Wild Mountain runner lady to repeat this feat.
Julio Jaramillo runs Boston Marathon
After many months of anticipation and hundreds of miles of running, Julio Jaramillo qualified to run the Boston Marathon. Julio ran the minimum time of 3 hours and 30 minutes at the 2004 Long Beach Marathon, a time required of men age 45 to 49. Julio completed Boston in 3:51. Congratulations J.J.!
Mario Molina Hosts Another Sunday Menudo Run.
For those Wild Mountain Runners from HD, SF and GP who love to eat good food after a long and hard hilly run, show up at Mario Molina's house by 7:00 a.m. The run starts at 7:30. Mario lives at 3234 E. Charlinda Street, West Covina, Calif. 91791. Call to confirm: 562-842-6253.
Ted McDonald, Freddy Perez, Mario Sanchez and Others Run 50 Kilometer
On Saturday, April 16, 2005, Ted McDonald, Freddy Perez, and Mario Sanchez and a group 25 others ran a 50 Kilometer (31 mile) mountain run. The elevation climbed to 12000 feet! The run was completed in over 8 hours.
Master Division Gatos from San Fernando and Griffith Park Take 1st and 3rd Place
A combination of solid master ages and talent gave the Wild Mountain Runners from SF and GP 1st (2:52:10) and 3rd (3:02:45) place medals at the Jimmy Stewart Relay Marathon hosted on April 17, 2005. Veteran Gatos from SF included Abel Ibarra, Ramon Cuevas, Antonio Arrevalo Veterans from GP included Roberto Perez, Bob Macias, German Alonzo, Felipe Reynozo, and Mario Sanchez.
Roberto Perez Runs Like a Wild Mountain Lion Chasing a Race Horse at Santa Anita Park Derby Day 5K
By German Alonzo
You've see him running free and wild at Griffith Park whether at 5 a.m. or late in the afternoon. You had seen him run 22 consecutive Tetrick Trail run preparing for the LA. Marathon (currently planning to run 30 consecutive Tetricks for America's Finest â?¡). Unfortunately, he was not able to run due to a virus he contracted a few weeks before the marathon. However, on Saturday April 9, 2005, on a cool spring morning he destroyed the 55 to 59 age division with a 20:30 at the Santa Anita Derby Run and placed 24 overall in a field of 1000. "This was a very difficult course because of too many turns and steep inclines. If not because of this I would have destroyed the 20 minute barrier Cuidado!, said Roberto.
Another surprise was Douglas Martinez who finished 9th overall and 5th in his age division with a 19:30. Congratulations to Carlos Arellano who placed 55th overall and 16th in his 45 age division. It appears that Carlos is going to be an asset to the Gatos as he ran a 37 for the 5.2 course at Jimmy Stewart. Yours truly placed 40th overall and 4th in the 50-54 age div.
Hey Gatos and Gatas, Santa Anita is a family affair as attested by Ricky Jr., age 5, son of Gato Ricky Menjivar and my nephew Joshua Vivanco, age 5 who ran a 75 yard kid race. Ricky Jr. finished before Joshua. Joshua's brother, Matthew followed a few yards behind Joshua with his famous arm swing which he learned from me. See you guys and ladies at the next Santa Anita Race.
Griffith Park and San Fernando Wild Mountain Runners Compete in Jimmy Stewart:
Wild Mountain raises $1200 to support the St. Johns Hospital Jimmy Stewart Relay Marathon and registers many teams. Here are the results:
- Masters: SF Gatos 1st 2:52:10
GP Gatos 2nd 3:02:45
GP Gatos 10th 3:55:44
Co-Ed: WMR #4 4th 3:05:34
WMR #1 6th 3:15:59
-Open: WMR #6 12th --3:06:01
WMR #5 14th -- 3:08:51
WMR #3 17th -- 3:19:51
WMR #7 21st -- 3:28:49

After a hard relay, Gatos and Gatas enjoy refreshments at Jimmy Stewart Relay Marathon April 17, 2005
(Photo By Mario Molina)
Upcoming traditional WMR race:
- 30th Annual Fiesta Days 5k & 10k
5/30/05 8 a.m.
Descanso Gardens, La Canada,
California - Party at Chris
QuezadaÃs afterwards. All WMR
and family invited
- San Francisco Marathon & Half
July 31, 2005
- 28th Annual AmericaÃs Finest City
Half Marathon/5k - 8/14/05
San Diego, California
Quote to reflect on â??
No one knows the fear in a front-runnerâ??s mind more than me. When you set off at a cracking pace for four or five laps and then find that your main rivals are still breathing down your neck, thatâ??s when you start to panic.
-Ron Clarke
Runners World Magazine.
Suggestions â??
In an effort to update our newsletters and its usefulness to our members, we encourage your inputs and contribution in any kinds of topics or articles you feel most beneficial for our members. Please feel free to submit articles, drawings, comments, advertisements, etc. to the editorial staff via - E-mail: Chris Quesada chris.quesada@sbcglobal.net , Gilbert Varela gilvarela2000@yahoo.com , Ted ted@barefootted.com or simply hand carry to any of us.
Note: All articles submitted are subject to editing for content and length. Articles and stories will be reviewed by Gilbert Varela, Chief Editor & Ted Mcdonald, Webmaster for final content. Photos submitted may be edited for size, content, or space depending on how pleasing to the eye and mind of Chris Quesada.
Submission of material does not guarantee that it will be presented on the website.
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