Sunday, June 26, 2005
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Competed with the U.S.Marines at the Camp Pendleton Mud Run

The before and after shots shows that this tough 10 k run is no walk in the park. The two finish strong coming in 4th Place/Div. for Victor (50.05) and Chris also in 4th Place./Div (56:03). The early stages of the course consisted hills, tire obstacles, low sand crawl, river crossings, two 5-foot walls with mud on both sides, tunnel crawl, slippery hill climb, and then the final 30-foot mud pit.
â??Unlike any of the 10k's I had ever raced, this challenging course is probably the most fun I have ever ran. There were so many fit female runners. I canâ??t wait until next yearâ??. Said Chris.

Photographer: Maggie Fernandez