Monday, December 19, 2005

The 9th Annual "Q and O" Pier 2 Pier Christmas Invitational.

A small race in a small town between family and friends of the Quesadas & Osbornes. The distance is reputed to be 3.5 miles (5.6k) started and finished in front of Hermosa Beach pier.

December 17, 2005

Among the WMR club runners who have participated were--

Chris Quesada
(1st overall 20:26 - course record)

Rosa Arevalo
(1st woman overall 24:07)

Victor Carrillo
(2nd overall 22:25)

Dave "Huero" Matson

Gilbert Varela

Maggie Fernandez
(25:15 - 2nd woman overall)
"You go with your bad self girl"


Blogger German said...

First of all, congratulations to Chris for winning this family race. He looks good and strong and so does Victor, "Huero", Rosa and Maggie but DAMN, what happened to Gilbert "parece que trono", he looks dead.

3:13 PM

Blogger wmrChris said...

I hope it's not the curse. ha ha

10:46 AM


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